Call for Fusion Technology Transfer Demonstrator Proposals

Call for Fusion Technology Transfer Demonstrator Proposals

A unique funding opportunity to accelerate technology transfer of fusion technologies into non-fusion markets.

As part of the efforts to facilitate the use of fusion technologies and know-how in non-fusion markets, Fusion For Energy with the support of Viromii Innovation launches an Open Call for Fusion Technology Transfer Demonstrator Proposals.

Open to European companies and organisations, the call aims to financially support a demonstrator project, where a technology developed under Fusion for Energy activities is planned to be used in a non-fusion environment. The selected project will be funded with 50.000€.

The applications will be evaluated based on three criteria:

• Feasibility of the demonstrator project
• Innovation potential
• Socio-economic impact

The Evaluation Panel of the call for proposals will select one project to be funded with 50.000 EURO

Who can apply ? The Applicant must be an entity registered in an F4E Member State.

The Applicant is invited to present the planning limited to 8 months starting on the Technology Transfer Demonstrator Project contract signature date.

The demonstrator project shall address technological barriers. The non-fusion application foreseen shall not promote activities, or be related to the military, alcohol, tobacco, religion, politics, intolerance, violence, firearms, pornography, obscenity, gambling or illegal drugs.

When and how to apply ?

The application closes on the 30th of July 2024.

Visit the below link to download guidelines and read further.

Information and image source:
Fusion for Energy
Call Deadline: 
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Further Information:
External Link