
Merħba fil-plumtri! Il-Pjattaforma ta' riċerka u innovazzjoni.

plumtri hija pjattaforma li sservi bħala għodda għall-partijiet interessati f'R&I fir-Reġjun tal-Mediterran. L-għan ewlieni ta’ plumtri hija li tiffaċilita n-netwerking u l-qsim tal-għarfien kif ukoll isservi bħala "one-stop-shop" għal informazzjoni dwar l-aħħar aħbarijiet, avvenimenti u opportunitajiet ta’ finanzjament fl-isferi ta R&I.

Meta tirreġistra ma' plumtri, ikollok aċċess għall-karatteristiċi utli kollha tagħha, inkluż il-possibbilità li ssib imsieħba għal riċerka kollaborattiva, taħdem ma’ membri oħra, kif ukoll tikseb aċċess għal aktar riżorsi relatati mar-R&I.

plumtri hija amministrata mill-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (MCST).

L-Aħħar Aħbarijiet u Avvenimenti

Call for an Expression of Interest to Join a Consortium Applying for the EMFAF Call (Topic 1)

The EU’s Regional Flagship Projects Call (EMFAF-2025-PIA-FLAGSHIP), focuses on fostering Smart Specialization and Innovation in the sustainable blue economy (Topic 1). The 3Sea4All Project proposal ...

Call for Young Ocean Advocates: Bringing Blue Citizenship to the UN Ocean Conference 2025

The Youth4Ocean Forum is inviting young leaders to apply to become EU Young Ocean Advocates and help champion Blue Citizenship at the UN Ocean Conference 2025! Selected advocates will support collecti ...

EUROSOIL 2025 (Save the Date)

The EUROSOIL is the official meeting of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), it is among Europe’s most important Soil Sciences events and offers a fantastic opportunity for ...

UNIMED Symposium on Coping with Droughts in the Agricultural Sector in the Mediterranean

We look forward to welcome you at the UNIMED final project event which will take place at MCAST during the morning of 5th and 6th December 2024. Attendance is free, but please register by 1st December ...

Aqra iktar Aħbarijiet u Avvenimenti

L-Aħħar Sejħiet

“Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care” Joint Transnational Call for proposals is NOW OPEN!

Source of Funding: Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS)
The Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) Partnership is a multilateral strategic initiative under Horizon Europe, aimed at fostering the transition towards more ...

Additional Financial Support for Malta-Based Researchers Requesting Ship Time on the Research Vessel Gaia Blu

Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta
Lead Partner (Country): Malta Xjenza Malta is providing additional financial support to Malta-based entities collaborating with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) for access to ship time ab ...

SuperCharge Ventures 2025

The applications for our much-anticipated Cohort 4.0 are now open in Malta! This is your chance to accelerate your journey with an equity-free program designed to eleva ...

Technology Development Programme (TDP) 2024

Source of Funding:
Lead Partner (Country): Malta Xjenza Malta is receiving proposals under the Technology Development Programme (TDP).The Technology Development Programme is a ...

Aqra iktar Sejħiet


Project Manager with FOSS

The PV Technology Laboratory of FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus, announces one (1) vacancy for a full-time or part- time Special Scientist position to work as a ...

KAUST Global Fellowship

KAUST Global Fellowship Program aims to attract and support outstanding emerging research leaders and scientists from around the world to build their path towards a fully independent career. The progr ...

Scientific Research Administrators with European Commission's Joint Research Centre

The European institutions are looking for scientific research administrators. Recruited officials (grade AD 7) will work mainly for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre&nbs ...

Call for Expression of Interest - Scientific Trainees

As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the Joint Research Centre provides independent, evidence-based knowledge and science, supporting EU policies to positively impact society.For th ...

Aqra iktar Opportunitajiet