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The European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) aims to support the transformation of health and care systems with innovative solutions driven by knowledge and evidence. The general objective of THCS is to contribute to the transition towards more sustainable, efficient, resilient, inclusive, innovative, and high-quality people-centred health and care systems equally accessible to all people. The THCS Transferability and Implementation Framework aims to support, ...
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ProNiCare Makes First Contributions to SETAC Europe in Seville, Spain The Mar-TERA funded PRONICARE project reached an important milestone and successfully made its first contributions to the annual Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe Meeting from the 5th to the 9th of May in Seville, Spain. Malta-based ProNiCare project partner AquaBioTech Group and Norway-based partner SINTEF collaborated on a poster titled “Development of green coating solutions for the problems...
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The construction of ITER and the investment in the development of fusion energy technology means many business opportunities. F4E works together with European industry, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and research organisations to provide a wide range of high technology components, as well as engineering and support services for ITER. SMEs constitute an important element for the project and for developing innovative technologies. Getting SMEs on board and finding the best ...
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The Malta Council for Science and Technology, was awarded the “Best Practice in Good Governance Award” in recognition of the work done in accordance with the principles of good governance. The Auditor General found that MCST employees operated in accordance with the principles of good governance, demonstrating accountability and transparency in the administration of costs and charges, and in the manner in which all respective documents were kept. Congratulations to all MCST employees who ...
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The CIHEAM launched the Youth Innovation Award in 2022 to reward innovative solutions, designed and implemented by young people, to accelerate green and blue transition processes towards more sustainable, inclusive and equitable food systems in the Mediterranean (SFS Med). The 2024 edition is launched with the support of three partners who share common objectives and a common vision for the Mediterranean, namely, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean ...
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By using satellites currently in orbit, researchers managed to acquire an unprecedented view of the emissions and accumulation areas of marine litter. This opens up multiple possibilities to improve the fight against plastic pollution. Marine littering has grown into a global environmental problem, and is recognised as an urgent priority on international sustainability agendas. A full 80% of this litter is plastic. Continued efforts in mapping its presence in water surfaces have ...
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“We believe in bringing together cities and their citizens, policymakers, arts and academia to jointly shape the transition to climate neutrality.” CrAFt helps bring together cities and their citizens, policymakers, arts and academia to jointly shape the transition to climate neutrality. Work with us to test and share collaborative local governance models to harness the value of inclusiveness, aesthetics and sustainability towards climate neutral cities. Read further about this project by ...
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Two global data networks have agreed to a joint strategy and action plan that will deepen their collaboration, improve the flows and services of high-quality data about marine and coastal biodiversity, and support research and decision-making on the world’s oceans. Leveraging their 2020 collaboration agreement, OBIS – the Ocean Biodiversity Information System — and GBIF — the Global Biodiversity Information Facility will focus on wider ...
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ASTROBEAT proposes for the first time the investigation of the cold-welding phenomenon for use in spacecraft hull repair following a hypervelocity impact by space debris. An experimental test rig will be tested and qualified, at TRL 6, on the International Space Station, thanks to an environment providing for an extended period of time micro-gravity conditions. The project is led by Dr Leonardo Barilaro, Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering a MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science and ...
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The 6th edition of the MCAST Research and Innovation Expo is scheduled for November 25th and 26th, 2024, at the MCAST Resource Centre Auditorium. This event will highlight a range of research projects from various Institutes, emphasizing the influence of externally funded research in areas such as science, society, environment, finance, as well as its impact on industry and curriculum development. This year, the Expo will feature research presentations across six thematic tracks: “...