Calls for Funding



Joint Transnational Call 2024 The Clean Energy Transition Partnership

Joint Transnational Call 2024 The Clean Energy Transition Partnership

Source of Funding: CETPartnership

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic Horizon Europe partnership with the aim of empowering the energy transition and contributing to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

The 2024 CETPartnership Joint Call is a 2-stage call structured around the following Call Modules. The call modules describe specific topics and/or challenges that applicants shall address in their project proposal. Applicants must choose and apply under a specific call module when submitting their project proposal. Evaluation and ranking of the project proposals will be performed separately per call module.

Call Module Descriptions

Entities in Malta are eligible for funding in all call modules, with the option of requesting up to €500,000 to participate in CETPartnership proposal consortia. It is to be noted that if more than one national partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating national partners cannot exceed the €500,000 cap.


To view call specifications and guidelines please visit the below link.

Please find recording of the information session below:

For further information please contact the programme officers Ms Christy Baldacchino at, (+356) 2360 2158 and/or Mr Stefan Montebello at, (+356) 2360 2212.

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Blue Economy ClimAccelerator Malta

Blue Economy ClimAccelerator Malta

Source of Funding: MALTAccelerate

MALTAccelerate proudly invites you to apply for the Blue Economy ClimAccelerator Malta. We are seeking startups developing breakthrough solutions in

  • CoastalTourism,
  • MarineRenewableEnergy, 
  • PortActivities,
  • MarineLivingResources,
  • BlueBiotechnology.

By joining the Blue Economy ClimAccelerator Malta, you will have chance to access:

Equity Investors for up to €1.5M.

  • Public Funding for up to €1M.
  • International partnerships for joint R&D projects and pilot your MVP.
  • Exclusive workshops and specialist mentoring.
  • The latest tools to measure the climate and environmental impact of your solution, in line with UN SDG goals and EU Green Deal objectives.
  • Our unique post-program support with focus on investors negotiations, MVP pilots and international business development.

In addition

  • Enjoy three weeks funded residentials in Malta (January, February, March 2025) with access to state-of-the-art offices and labs.
  • Pitch your leading-edge solution at our Demo Day and compete for an attractive cash and services prize.
  • Benefit from the option to sign the €50K Climate-SAFE investment agreement with EIT Climate-KIC.

Apply by: 30 September 2024
Duration: November 2024 – March 2025, hybrid delivery (online / Malta)

Visit the below link to read further.

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MedBAN Call


Source of Funding: MedBAN

The new MedBAN open call for medium-sized enterprises involved in the Blue Economy offers dedicated funding of 8,965 EUR (per SME) for consulting or training services.

  • Duration: 26th of June – 26th of August
  • Countries: EU-27, except Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, and Italy

Visit the below link to read further.

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Women TechEU 2024 Call 2

Women TechEU 2024 Call 2

Source of Funding: Women TechEU

Women TechEU is a 2-year EU-funded project supporting women leading deep tech startup companies from Europe.

Our mission is to create a more gender-balanced entrepreneurship ecosystem. We believe that diversity drives innovation, and we are here to provide women in deep tech with more opportunities, resources, and support to thrive.

The project consortium is launching 4 calls for applications over the span of 2 years which, following a rigorous evaluation process, will result in a total of 160 beneficiaries. Each beneficiary will receive €75k grants (non-dilutive finance) as well as a personalised business development programme which includes mentoring, coaching and targeted training among other options.

Visit the below link to read further.

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WASABI 1st Call


Source of Funding: WASABI Project

With the aim of expanding the WASABI ecosystem, the project foresees two different Open Calls to finance 20 additional experiments.
This represents a huge opportunity for SMEs and Small Mid-caps to participate in the process of Digital Transformation of Industry 5.0, receiving complementary funding for the full implementation of their experiments.
The involvement of new experiments will undergo three stages:

1. Experiment design by the proposers
2. Submission of the experiment by the proposers
3. Selection of the experiments

Proposals will be funded through Lump Sum, with a total amount of €125.000,00 per proposal, and led by an SME.

The Open Call will provide an important opportunity to address advanced functionalities on the implementation of digital assistance solutions, such as:
• Human machine interface for complex processes;
• Agile onboarding of new employees in complex manufacturing systems;
• Conversation AI facilitating data access in different thematic areas;
• Conversation guided maintenance operations.

OC Launch: July 12th, 2024
OC Deadline: Sept 20th, 2024 (17:00 CET)
OC Total Budget: €1.250.000,00
Experiment Duration: 12 Months
Consortium Composition: 1 SME
Number of experiments: 10
Financial support: €125.000,00 (per experiment)

1) Each experiment will develop their Wasabi solution (AI-based assistance for their processes or products)
2) Each experiment will participate in the Wasabi ecosystem
3) Each experiment will need to collaborate with a DIH included in the European DIH Map.

Read further on the below link.

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Call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials

Call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials

Source of Funding: Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC)

CERIC-ERIC offers access through a single entry point to more than 60 different and complementary state of the art techniques and support laboratories, distributed in 11 countries, with the submission of single or multi-technique proposals. A detailed description of the facilities available in CERIC can be found here.

Access to CERIC is open to scientists from all over the world and free of charge, provided the results end data are made available to the community in a reasonable time, according to our Scientific Data Policy.


  • September 2nd 2024 at 17:00 CEST to have a pre-evaluation and the possibility to improve your proposal
  • October 1st 2024 at 17:00 CEST final submission, recommended only for users that are expert in all the techniques requested.

Visit the below link to read further.

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Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Calls

Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Calls

Source of Funding: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

This year, €1.25 billion is available under the MSCA to support researchers from all over the globe, in any research and innovation domain. Their currently open calls are:

International Cooperation

Aids in fostering international cooperation in MSCA in Horizon Europe, through a dedicated support action to complement and ensure coordination between existing promotion channels at local level, and ensure consistency with formal R&I policy dialogues at bilateral and regional levels.

Application deadline: 4 September 2024

Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships support the development of new skills, advance careers, and allow for the possibility of gaining international, interdisciplinary, and inter-sectoral experience.

Application deadline: 11 September 2024

COFUND helps organisations develop doctoral and postdoctoral programmes by co-funding a share of their costs. This allows for the recruitment of global talents and promotes MSCA’s best practices, including training for researchers at all stages of their careers.

Application deadline: 26 September 2024

Doctoral Networks
Doctoral Networks foster collaboration between organisations across the globe to implement doctoral programmes. They support top-level projects open to doctoral researchers and provide international experiences in both the academic and non-academic sectors for researchers.

Application deadline: 27 November 2024

Read further on the below link.

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ROAR-NET First Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions

ROAR-NET First Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions

Source of Funding: Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (ROAR-NET)

COST Action CA22137 - Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (ROAR-NET) invites applications for Short-Term Scientific Missions. A Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) consists in a visit to a host organisation located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator for specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.

Eligibility rules

You may apply for an STSM if:

  • You are based in a research institution in a legal entity in a COST Full/Cooperating Member, Near Neighbour Country (NNC) or a European RTD (see the Country and Organisations Table).
  • You are engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or are employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity where you conduct research.


  • There is no limitation on the duration of STSMs within each Action Grant Period. However, the STSM grant amount is limited and may not cover the total costs incurred during the STSM.
  • The STSM must have a minimum duration of five calendar days. However, STSMs of longer duration are encouraged.


  • The host organisation of the STSM grantee must be located in a different country than the country of the grantee’s affiliation.
  • There is no limitation on the location of the STSM host. Again, although STSMs can take place anywhere in the world, the STSM grant amount is limited and might not cover the total costs incurred during the STSM.

Specific eligibility criteria

  • The STSM must contribute to the goals of the Action (see the Memorandum of Understanding).
  • The STSM must address one of the following themes of interest to the Action:
    • Problem modelling and user experience
    • Mixed continuous and discrete optimisation
    • Single- and multiobjective optimisation
    • Optimisation under uncertainty
    • Algorithm selection and configuration
    • Benchmarking

Read further by visiting the below link:

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iMERMAID Open Call 1

iMERMAID Open Call 1

Source of Funding: iMermaid

iMERMAID will develop and apply innovative solutions that prevent, monitor and remediate the Mediterranean against Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CoEC). The project will deploy and demonstrate the developed solutions in various use cases, providing the basis for their future scale up addressing chemical pollution from its source to its destination.

Through its open call, the project aims to engage with at least five ‘associated regions’ outside the iMERMAID consortium to demonstrate the feasibility, replicability, and scalability of these solutions in new areas. These associated regions will receive funding and technical advisory services to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects aimed at preventing, eliminating, and remediating chemical pollution. The support will address potential barriers and showcase the feasibility of implementing iMERMAID’s innovative solutions.

They are looking for regional and local public authorities located in EU Member states and Associated regions. Applicants should propose use cases that address their specific challenges and objectives, aligning with the goals of iMERMAID, and demonstrating the feasibility, replicability, and scalability of the iMERMAID solutions.

In total, we will invest €400,000 in our Open Call #1 to fund and support 4 associated regions projects that will be part of our journey.

Visit the below link to read further.

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Supporting Knowledge Based Sectors in Gozo Scheme

Supporting Knowledge Based Sectors in Gozo Scheme

Source of Funding: InvestGozo

Scheme provides for a partial salary reimbursement of up to €8,000 per annum for a period of 3 years (for a total grant of up to a maximum of €24,000) and for a partial reimbursement of training costs of up to €1,500 per annum for a period of 3 years for each employee working within specific knowledge-intensive economic sectors based in Gozo.


The Supporting Knowledge-Based Sectors in Gozo scheme will target the knowledge-intensive economic sectors. Aid provided under this scheme is in the form of partial reimbursement of salaries for full-time employment on an indefinite basis:

  1. either of newly employed staff based in Gozo; or
  2. staff already employed with the same undertaking uninterruptedly as from 1st January 2018 onwards. Eligibility is restricted to employees for which their employer has already benefitted from the full 3-year cycle under the Gozo Employment Refund Scheme or Gozo Back-Office Employment Refund Scheme. 

This scheme focuses on assisting and sustaining the transition into a more knowledge-based economy, by seeking to develop and attract higher value-adding sectors that will enhance Gozo’s sustainability and investment diversification.

As opposed to traditional economy sectors where the production of goods and services is the primary objective, the knowledge economy has as its main aim the creation and dissemination of knowledge and information – mostly through research, analysis, and development. These in turn often become the primary resources for innovation in products and services. In the knowledge economy human capital i.e., the skills, knowledge, and experience of an organisation’s workforce, is an essential asset. Enterprises operating in the knowledge-based industries must constantly strive to identify and recruit employees with the necessary skills and abilities, provide ongoing training and development opportunities, and create an overall positive work culture that attracts and retains the best talent to remain competitive and stay ahead in these rapidly evolving sectors.


The Supporting Knowledge-Based Sectors in Gozo scheme targets knowledge-intensive economic sectors falling under the NACE code categories listed below:

  • J58.2 – Software Publishing
  • J62 – Computer Programming, consultancy, and related activities
  • J63.1 – Data processing, hosting, and related activities
  • K – Financial and insurance activities
  • M69 – Legal and accounting activities
  • M70 – Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
  • M71 – Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
  • M72 – Scientific research and development
  • M74.1 – Specialized design activities
  • R92 – Gambling and betting activities

 The beneficiaries of this scheme will be the Employer, having a registered address from where operations are carried out, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the scheme as stated in the Guidance Notes.

Visit the below link to read further.

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