Calls for Funding



Intellectual Property Registration (IPR) Voucher

Intellectual Property Registration (IPR) Voucher

Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta

The Intellectual Property Registration (IPR) Voucher provides inventors with essential financial support and guidance to protect their creations against potential infringement. Innovators can apply for national protection through the Malta Industrial Property Registration system. At a European level, the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) offers broader protection across EU Member States, while international registration through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is also available for globally safeguarding Maltese IP rights.

Types of Intellectual Property Rights

There are five main types of intellectual property rights:

  1. Trademarks – Unique graphics that distinguish products or services.
  2. Copyrights – Automatically granted protection for original works upon creation.
  3. Industrial Designs – Protects the aesthetic design aspects of an object, requiring novelty.
  4. Trade Secrets – Protects commercially valuable, confidential information under strict conditions.
  5. Patents – Exclusive rights for innovative products or processes, granting 20 years of protection from the application date.

IP Registration Process

The IPR Voucher supports a streamlined registration process, which typically takes one to three years from the initial application. During this time, the service provider will:

  • Update the IP Check report, recommending specific IP rights to pursue based on an initial 4-week review period.
  • Collaborate on timelines for each stage of the process.
  • Support the beneficiary through every phase, from updating the IP Check report to patent publication.

Reimbursements will be issued by Xjenza Malta upon submission of payment receipts.

Financial Support for Novel Technologies

The Voucher provides financial support for novel technologies that have reached the prototype stage (TRL 5+) with a Xjenza Malta-approved research grant. This ensures inventors can protect their intellectual property rights and safeguard their inventions from potential infringement.

Information Session and Application Details

An online information session with more details on the IPR Voucher will be held on:

Submission Process: Application forms can be sent electronically to, keeping Kyle Bonnici ( in copy. Use the subject line: “Intellectual Property Registration – Voucher Submission.”

Note: It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure confirmation of receipt is provided.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Visit the below link to download application forms and guidelines.

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Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES) – 2025 Call

Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES) – 2025 Call

Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta

JPI Oceans aims to advance scientific knowledge and methodologies supporting the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation through process-based approaches to environmental status assessment.

The scope of this joint call builds upon the successful pilot phase of S4GES, which demonstrated the effectiveness of process-based sampling approaches for marine environmental assessment. The conceptual framework was particularly well-received, with Belgium already incorporating elements into their national monitoring strategy.

This joint call addresses critical knowledge gaps and enhances the scientific basis underpinning the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). By consolidating existing knowledge and integrating innovative, process-based monitoring approaches, the joint call further aims to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of environmental assessments.

Call Objectives

  1. Consolidating the Science Base for the implementation of MSFD
  • Build on the achievements of the first phase by integrating new findings with existing knowledge.
  • Enhance the scientific foundation supporting the MSFD to achieve its targets more effectively.
  1. Supporting an improved definition and measurement of Good Environmental Status 
  • Specific research on scientific aspects that need further elaboration to better define and measure GES
  • Develop and implement methodologies and strategies to better define and measure GES.
  1. Supporting the implementation of a process-based approach to GES:
  • Define, apply and test process-based monitoring strategies and protocols across different sea basins to improve the relevance and quality of observations and data collection in MFSD with the aim of better using resources more efficiently and reaching more effective targets
  • Exploit existing and/or propose new augmented observation infrastructure(s) through joint international collaboration

Entities in Malta are eligible for funding, with the option of requesting up to €150,000 to participate in CETPartnership proposal consortia. As per the partnership call text, the project consortium must include at least one eligible partner from Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and Malta. It is to be noted that if more than one national partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating national partners cannot exceed the €150,000 cap.

For further information on this year’s call, kindly refer to the Call Text, National Application Form, as well as the National Rules for participation for State Aid, and Non-State Aid. Annexes can be downloaded from this link.

To apply, the below need to be submitted by the pre-proposal deadline:

  • The project coordinator needs to submit the project pre-proposal on the link provided: Click to visit JPI Oceans website by the 1st of April 2025 at 17:00 CET.
  • Each National applicant shall be required to submit a National Application Form to by the 1st of April 2025 at 23:59CET.

For further information please contact the programme officers Ms Christy Baldacchino at, (+356) 2360 2158, copying in

Visit the below link to download call guidelines and application forms.

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Cascade Funding Opportunities closing in February 2025

Visit the below link to view the 25 funding opportunities on Cascade Funding portal, an instrument by the European Commission. 

Please note that these calls have different deadlines within the month of February 2025.

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Innovation Fund 2025

Innovation Fund 2025

Source of Funding: Funds and Programmes Division (FPD), Office of the Prime Minster, European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue (OPM – EES)

The Innovation Fund is the EU’s flagship climate policy initiative that focuses on supporting energy and industrial projects that contribute to Europe’s transition to climate neutrality. It aims to bring to the market solutions to decarbonise European industry and support its transition to climate neutrality while fostering its competitiveness.

The Innovation Fund focuses on highly innovative* technologies and flagship projects within Europe that can bring about significant emission reductions. The projects need to be sufficiently mature in terms of planning, business model and financial and legal structure.

The Innovation Fund is open to public and private legal entities. In general projects must be located in EU Member States or EEA countries (i.e. Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein).

*The Innovation Fund aims to support projects that go beyond incremental innovation. There are varying degrees of innovation ranging from breakthrough (such as completely new technologies, processes, business models, products or services which are likely to lead to significant change that transforms entire markets or industries or creates new ones) to intermediate (such as new or considerably changed technologies or processes or business models for the production or delivery of existing or new products or services).

Further details about what constitutes ‘innovation’ under this Fund can be found in Annex 1 of the call text: "Innovation Fund call 2024 Net Zero Technologies"

Calls for Proposals
On December 3, 2024, the European Commission launched two funding calls under the Innovation Fund:

  • IF24 Call: €2.4 billion allocated for Net-Zero technologies.
  • IF24 Battery: €1 billion allocated for electric vehicle battery cell manufacturing.
  • Eligible categories:
    1. Energy intensive industries
    2. Carbon capture and utilisation
    3. Carbon capture and storage
    4. Renewable energy and battery storage

Eligible entities: Public and private legal entities

Geographical Location: EU Member State or EEA countries

The deadline for submission of Innovation Fund applications is April 24, 2025.

Orientation Dialogues for Applicants
To support potential applicants, the European Commission’s DG CLIMA and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) are offering one-to-one and high-level orientation dialogue sessions in the first half of February 2025.

The orientation dialogues will be 25-minute sessions offering high-level guidance on the Innovation Fund. These sessions will focus on helping applicants understand the framework of the fund, discuss potential project outlines, and address general queries related to the call for proposals.

Project specific questions must be avoided and will not be answered during the orientation dialogue. Such questions can only be answered via the official helpdesk. This is important to ensure equal treatment of all applicants.

Please note that the orientation dialogues cannot pre-judge the outcome of the official evaluation procedure.

The Funds and Programmes Division (FPD), Office of the Prime Minster, European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue (OPM – EES), is inviting expressions of interest from organisations wishing to participate in the orientation dialogues.

Interested applicants are required to complete and submit a detailed questionnaire outlining their project. Access the questionnaire, and submissions must be made by February 5, 2025.

Interest in participation in orientation dialogues is assessed according to eligibility and level of maturity of project proposals. While only eligible and sufficiently advanced projects will be considered for participation in the orientation dialogues, early-stage projects are still encouraged to apply. These projects will receive tailored guidance from the FPD or SEM on alternative funding opportunities.

Interested applicants will be notified of the result by COB February 7, 2025.

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DTO-BioFlow Project Second Call for Marine Biodiversity (monitoring) Data

DTO-BioFlow Project Second Call for Marine Biodiversity (monitoring) Data

Source of Funding: DTO-BioFlow Project

The DTO-BioFlow project is launching its second open call, inviting international networks, citizen science initiatives, research institutes, universities, and NGOs to contribute marine biodiversity data to the European Digital Twin of the Ocean. This initiative is aligned with the EU’s mission to restore oceans and waters by 2030, enhancing oceanographic knowledge and supporting evidence-based policy development.

Project activities

The selected beneficiaries commit to carry out the following activities:

  • Participate in a dedicated workshop which will provide training on how to reformat and quality control data conform international standards (see further) and make these available to EMODnet Biology. The workshop will be held from the 3rd of June to the 5th of June 2025 in Paris (3 full days). In-person attendance of at least one representative per selected beneficiary is required. It will also be possible to attend the training workshop online, in case multiple people per beneficiary want to attend the workshop but cannot all attend in person.
  • Complete the online training course provided by EMODnet Biology (required for at least one representative per selected beneficiary).
  • Contribute to the flow of marine biodiversity data into the DTO, through developing data flow pipelines to EMODnet Biology. Setting up a data flow through intermediate data systems that already have or will in the near future have a direct data flow pipeline to EMODnet Biology (e.g. ICES, ETN) is also eligible.
  • Optimize the data flow so that it is as much as possible automated and commit to continued data submission, ensuring sustained data flows to the DTO.
  • Ensure the data is formatted, standardized, and quality-controlled conforming to the relevant international standards (as demonstrated in the workshop and the EMODnet Biology online training course) (e.g. using the Darwin Core standard for biodiversity data, OBIS-ENV-DATA as the preferred format, World Register of Marine SpeciesMarine Regions and BODC NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS) to standardize taxonomic names, location names and parameter names respectively, EMODnet Biology QC Check tool to perform quality checks).
  • Ensure that metadata and data will become available through EMODnet Biology. Data need to be published on an Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) instance and pass the EMODnet Biology Quality Control process. 
  • Ensure the data complies to Open Access, preferably under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. If applicants plan to use any other license, this needs to be detailed in their application.
  • Provide short intermediary reports on their progress every four months, and a final report on the results at the end of the 12-month project. 

Who can apply

Eligible beneficiaries for this call are data holders (international networks, citizen science networks, research institutes, universities, NGOs, etc.) who can facilitate sustained and long-term ingestion to the EU DTO of previously inaccessible data. Beneficiaries or affiliated partners of the DTO-BioFlow project cannot receive funding through this call.

The maximum amount of financial support for each application is 60.000 EUR.

Visit the below link to reard in more depth about this opportunity.

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The BNP Paribas Foundation Call for Projects "Climate & Biodiversity Initiative" Dedicated to the Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems

The BNP Paribas Foundation Call for Projects

Source of Funding: BNP Paribas Foundation & UNESCO

  • Through this 6th edition of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” programme, the BNP Paribas Foundation will support between 7 and 15 projects on the theme of ocean and coastal ecosystems.
  • Applicants can submit their projects from 21 January to 4 May 2025. The process is open to all scientific teams conducting research on these subjects from Europe.
  • The Foundation is dedicating a total budget of 7 million euros to this edition, which has been labeled “Ocean Decade” by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

A call for projects open from 21 January to 4 May 2025

Ocean acidification, coastal erosion, coastal artificialization, overfishing… Today, ocean and coastal ecosystems are seriously threatened and affected by human activities. Yet, the ocean plays a crucial role in climate regulation, and more than 3.8 billion people live within 150 km of the shore, all depending on these ecosystems for their livelihood and food security.

Based on this observation, the BNP Paribas Foundation has chosen to dedicate its 6th “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” to projects on ocean and coastal ecosystems. After the submission phase closes, the Foundation’s Scientific Committee will select between 7 and 15 projects that will receive a total support of 7 million euros over three years. Applications are open to European scientific research projects (basic and/or applied) focusing on climate and biodiversity related to ocean and coastal ecosystems.

A 6th edition labeled by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO

Given its focus on ocean and coastal ecosystems, this new edition has received the “Ocean Decade” label by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). The Ocean Decade, or United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), is coordinated by UNESCO-IOC and aims to accelerate the conservation and sustainable use of ocean and marine resources.

“In response to the ongoing environmental issues, we are convinced that philanthropy is a key lever for change. By supporting the work of scientists, this call for projects is an opportunity for us to act in favor of ocean and coastal areas preservation. We are delighted that the new edition of our “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” programme, which is at the heart of our commitment to scientific research, has been labeled by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.” Isabelle Giordano, Head of Group Philanthropy and General Delegate of the BNP Paribas Foundation

“We welcome this joint call for projects with the BNP Paribas Foundation, which perfectly illustrates the importance of multistakeholder collaboration for global ocean action. We are confident that the selected initiatives will contribute to the collective efforts of the ocean community and bring us one step closer to achieving the vision of the Ocean Decade by 2030: the science we need for the ocean we want.” Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC

In 2025, through its Climate & Biodiversity Initiative, the Foundation will have supported more than 35 international scientific research teams with a total budget of €24 million, making it the largest environmental philanthropy programme in France.

Visit the below link to access the application guidelines and contact details for this call.

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Horizon Europe Networking Support Scheme (NET2HE)


Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta

Xjenza Malta  is receiving proposals under the Horizon Europe Networking Support Scheme (NET2HE).

NET2HE is offering stakeholders from Malta the financial support to attend Horizon Europe networking and brokerage events held overseas in a bid to increase the uptake in Horizon Europe proposal submissions. The aim is to incentivise Maltese participation in brokerage sessions and networking events. Info Days organised by the European Commission will also be taken into consideration.

The aim of the scheme is to support networking activities that generate long-term outcomes leading to the formation of the consortia and/or participation in consortia capable of applying for the Horizon funding.

Interested parties are to submit their Application Form electronically to with “Networking 2024” as a subject heading by not later than 15 working days before the networking event.

Visit the below link to download application form and guidelines.

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Scaling Startups Programme Call

Scaling Startups Programme Call

Source of Funding: EIT Urban Mobility

For 2025, EIT Urban Mobility will continue to support startup entrepreneurs with the Scaling Startups Programme; a programme enabling startup business to grow while reducing the inherent risk of entrepreneurship with a double-sided approach: provide tailored support responding to each startup specific needs and facilitating a Demo Day with investors focusing on mobility, smart cities, sustainability, and impact.  

The Scaling Startup Programme call is addressed to consortiums composed by the most relevant European early-stage investors focused on mobility, smart cities, sustainability, and impact. Alternatively, applicants must demonstrate, with a proven track record, the capacity to link and engage the most relevant European early-stage investors in the scope of action. 

The consortium is expected to provide: 

    • International experience and expertise within the European venture capital industry, including strong expertise in startup assessments, impact assessments, company valuations, startup investments, startup divestment strategies, startup exits and investor reporting; 
    • A pool of top-notch experts with international experience delivering training, mentoring and/or coaching programmes targeting early-stage companies; 
    • Experience in hosting Demo Days for investors. 

    Visit the below link to read further on this call.

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    RAPTOR 2025 Call

    RAPTOR 2025 Call

    Source of Funding: EIT Urban Mobility

    Within EIT Urban Mobility, cities are the driving force that enables innovation to be applied more rapidly. To harness the city’s wider capacity for innovation and bring innovation closer to citizens, we developed the Rapid Application for Transport (RAPTOR) programme. 

    RAPTOR is transformative in connecting cities, innovators and SMEs around urban mobility challenges. Once the challenges of cities are defined, a competition is launched for SMEs to propose solutions that tackle the original issue. 

    Each city selects, with the support of technical and business advisers, the most promising solution to receive a financial award. The proposal is put forward to be tested in the city within six months. In 2025, 14 cities/municipalities from across Europe participate in RAPTOR programme and 14 projects from across Europe will  be selected to develop and test their solutions to cities´ mobility challenges. 

    We look forward to seeing what our cities, partners, start-ups & SMEs can achieve under this successful agile innovation set-up. With this Call for Proposals, we are paving the way for the development and scale-up of innovative solutions together across Europe. 

    Visit the below link to read further on this call.

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    Catalyse NEB 2025

    Catalyse NEB 2025

    Source of Funding: Climate-KIC

    The EIT Community New European Bauhaus (NEB) invites applications for funding and participation in its Catalyse NEB programme, a start-up accelerator designed to advance NEB values across Europe. This call seeks innovative ventures integrating sustainability, inclusivity, and design beyond functionality in their business ideas – aligned with the NEB mission to improve quality of life and encourage green and digital transformations.

    The Catalyse NEB programme is tailored to support start-ups addressing challenges in fields such as climate, food, manufacturing and urban mobility. Proposals must align with at least one of the NEB’s four thematic axes: reconnecting with nature, regaining a sense of belonging, prioritising the places and people that need it the most, and fostering long-term, life-cycle thinking in industrial ecosystems. For further details, refer to sections 3.1 and 3.3 of the Call Manual.

    Selected start-ups will receive EUR 20,000 in cash, as well as business and entrepreneurship support, plus access to the EIT Community NEB ecosystem. Activities should address specific social challenges, provide measurable outcomes, and demonstrate scalability. For more details, see section 3.4 of the Call Manual.

    Read further on the below link:

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